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Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Is this what the Galaxy Note 5 will look like?

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Scott Adam Gordon 2015-05-05T03:00:01Z4 hours ago User picture Scott Adam Gordon Originally from the UK, Scott graduated in Popular Music Studies at Newcastle University and attributes most of his success there to his beloved Samsung Galaxy S2. He has written for a market research company and video game website, but now only wishes to voice his opinion on the greatest open source project of all time! That's Android. Scott has never owned an Apple device, of any kind, and doesn't see this changing anytime soon.

We're all but certain that the Galaxy Note 5 will be released in mid-2015, possibly with a 4K display and a dual-edge variant (or will there only be a dual-edge variant?). Now, a concept artist has given their?take on what Samsung's next big thing - or phablet - might look like. Read on to see the video.

androidpit galaxy note 4 vs galaxy note 3 9 The Galaxy Note 3 (top) and Galaxy Note 4. How will the Galaxy Note 5 change things? / c ANDROIDPIT

The concept video?from Note5Galaxy?shows a Galaxy Note 5 with a design?that borrows more from the Galaxy Note 4 than it does from the Galaxy S6. Unlike its predecessors, this video suggests that the Note 5 will have an all-metal chassis. There will also apparently be a 'faux-leather' version.

The Note 5 display in the concept video clocks in at 5.9 inches, 0.2 inches bigger than that on the Galaxy Note 4. The large camera sensor particularly stands out, and according to the Note5Galaxy will be a 20MP offering with a f/1.8 aperture. Of course, this is all highly speculative, but we wouldn't mind if Samsung takes a few cues from this slick video.

What do you think of the Galaxy Note 5 concept video? Would you be happy if Samsung took a few cues from this concept artist's labor of love?

The 4K rumors stem from Samsung saying at Analyst Days last year that 4K displays would be arriving on phones in 2015.?that the UHD Galaxy Note 5 will launch at the IFA 2015 conference in September (the usual reveal-setting for Galaxy Note devices), and that it will arrive with an ultra-HD, (2160 x 3840 pixels) display. Furthermore, it?suggested?that we could expect a dual-edge variant, which would likely be what the Galaxy S6 Edge is to the Galaxy S6.

"The exact diagonals are said to be?5.78" for the?inevitable dual edge Note 5, and 5.89 inches for the regular, flat display version. These return exactly 762ppi and 748ppi, respectively, or the highest pixel densities ever attempted on a phone, if this Note 5 speculation pans out," the?phoneArena report stated.

phoneArena?did not provide a source, however a?slide from Samsung's Analyst Days 2015 roadmap was?referenced, indicating?that the South-Korean manufacturer is?currently?working on 4K display technology for its devices in 2015, and the Note 5 would be the likely place to put it.?

Updated by Robert Zak on May 4, 2015

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