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Friday, November 15, 2013


Pocket Trains 口袋火車大亨

這是個有趣的遊戲,由小小塔(Tiny Tower)的製作團隊所開發,跟前面介紹過的口袋飛機大亨 Pocket Planes一樣,這次玩家可以在自己的口袋中(手機上)建立自己的火車運輸王國管理自己的火車以及運輸路線,讓自己的運輸事業逐漸茁壯成長起來,玩家可以購買建立不同的火車聯結不同的車廂載運不同的乘客以及貨物,玩家在完成一些指定的任務之後將可以解鎖出特別的火車加入自己的運輸行列
From the creators of Pocket Planes comes Pocket Trains! Manage and grow multiple railroads by hauling important cargo around the world. Collect parts to construct all the different train types from Steamers to Diesels, and complete daily events to unlock special trains beyond imagination! Stop reading and start constructing your railroad empire in Pocket Trains

NimbleBit 這家公司所開發的像素經營類型的模擬遊戲  基本的畫面風格以及遊戲的操作方式都很一致 讓熟悉他們的玩家 可以很間單的上手進入遊戲 這種類型的經營遊戲 有相當多的玩家很愛玩 遊戲的操作很簡單 邏輯也很有趣 玩家要在考量多種因素之後 下決定購買設備或是決定火車的路線 盡量爭取最有效率的運輸方式以及搭載的貨物
NimbleBit has a clear formula with their bitizen-featuring simulation games, one that repeats with the third such title, Pocket Trains. They’re games that are fueled not so much by challenge, but by keeping the player interested in propelling the machine forward and not punishing them for playing the game – like so many other free-to-play simulations are wont to do. It’s why I find myself falling into the same pit with Pocket Trains where I check it regularly for weeks on end, the same as I did with Tiny Tower and Pocket Planes.

這個遊戲玩起來除了經營的因素(購買 運送) 等等 還有玩模型火車的感覺 玩家可以自己組合不同的火車頭以及車廂 還可以看見火車奔馳在不同的路線上 真的是很有趣的遊戲 這個遊戲跟口袋飛機大亨比較不同的地方是路線 口袋飛機大亨的飛機可以任意飛往地圖上不同的城市載客運貨 但口袋火車大亨的火車只能奔馳在聯結兩個城市間的鐵軌上 自由度比較受限制
This feels almost like a remix of Pocket Planes that’s been simplified a lot. Where that game had some complexity due to the free-form nature of air travel,Pocket Trains is forced to be simpler because of the fixed nature of rail lines. Only one train can own a segment between two cities, though of course multiple train lines can travel through cities on intersecting lines. The paths are thus largely pre-defined and there’s now no monetary cost for traveling to a city, only a fuel gauge that refills when a train is idling or when the player pays a couple bux to refill it.

Google Play Link 遊戲的連結 :

iOS iTunes Link 遊戲的連結 :

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